Join me in my new 4 part series as I try to uncover the mysteries of “Love” and why it sucks (most of the time).

Hello, and welcome to “The Dr. T Show”…

I’m your host, GT!

This week, I will be kicking off my brand new 4 part series “Love ~ Myths & Bustas”.

I am extremely excited to begin this new series, because quite frankly I don’t have a clue WTF I’m talking about when it comes to love… I’m currently single AF.


BUT, I’m thinkin’ that by taking a deep, unfiltered dive into my own personal perspectives on love, I might just accidentally figure this $#!+ out along the way.

Fingers crossed. We shall see.

Before we begin, a little housekeeping…

I want to make sure that I set the proper expectations for who and what this series will be about:

First of all, unlike my esteemed colleague Steve Harvey… where I come from “snitches still get stitches”. So, for all the ladies reading this, (that are currently on the edge of your seats) thinking this is about to be another “Think Like A Man, Act Like A Lady”, and that I am about to somehow break centuries of “Guy Code” and “Turn State’s Evidence” against me Bredren,

Sorry Ma, this ain’t that kinda party.

If you one day happen to stumble across some new site or book that uncovers all of the deep dark secrets that guys never ever, ever want you to know…. I promise you it will not be from “The Kid”. I am definitely not tryna get exiled from “Guy Club”. Especially for the mere possibility of a couple of likes and DMs. I really, really enjoy my membership to much. It still has its privileges. Trust.

As much as my heart does truly break knowing that some of our Bredren have chosen to go to the dark side and have entered a life of reckless “f*ckboyism”, unfortunately any guy acting as a double agent (and putting the rest of the gender’s safety at risk) by spilling ancient secrets [passed down through generations, from father to son to brother to homie] is definitely not the move.

F*ckboyism is a global issue that we as a male community must somehow figure out a way to police ourselves. It is up to us to find and bring our lost brothers home, and back into the hedge of love and protection. It is an internal family problem among siblings. One that we must figure out a solution to, internally.

However I do acknowledge that “f*ckboyism” is really starting to get truly out of control. These cats are now getting a lot more negative global exposure than ever before. Whether it be more and more criminal investigations, indictments, congressional hearings, or even trade wars, something need to be done – Expeditiously. This crisis is reaching levels never before seen in the history of “f*ckboyism”.

They are now, quite honestly f*ckin’ the weekend up for everybody.

Although “f*ckboyism” is approaching unheard of levels, snitchin’ on how we (guys) think, isn’t (and never will be) the answer to solving this unfortunate blight on love. There has to be another way.

I (for one), have made rescuing these outliers (who now pose a global threat to love, the club and most importantly “DAY_000” & Chill), one of my top priorities moving forward. Hopefully articles like these will be a first step in changing the vicious cycle of “f*ckboyism”. One character, comma and semicolon at a time.

That said, this will also not be one of those “Man-o-sphere-anti-feminists-alpha-pep-rally”, articles either.

Although I consider myself a “Man’s Man” (WTFTM), I am also by definition actually a ragin’ feminist. I wholeheartedly support feminism, as it is a vehicle of self empowerment. As anyone that knows me (I say that a lot), knows how hard I ride for any and all forms self empowerment. As an African American male, I am especially sensitive to the struggle of groups that are also fighting against oppressive environments/societies designed to limit their freedoms as well as their ability to live their best life.

Women most definitely qualify as one of those groups.

When it comes to the man-o-sphere, I have zero clue as to what those cats are tryin’ to accomplish with that $#!+. Anything that limits your game pool to just thots and idiots is something I’m definitely not tryna be a part of. So for now Imma leave that there.

So, to be clear…

This ain’t that kinda party either.

I am a true believer in Balance.

Although I am still tryna figure this love thing out, the one thing that I am 100% confident on, is that love or any relationship (lover or friend) is bound by the Universal Law of Balance.

Masculine and Feminine. There can not be one without the other… good, bad or otherwise. So, to try and approach any discussion on the relationship struggle between men and women with extreme bias towards one side or the other, is basically a waste of time and effort. And there is little on this planet that I value more than Time.

Therefore, I imagine that these posts will be relevant to both sets of chromosomes.

When I talk about the types of character roles that make up any and all relationships, it will be in regards to both male and female participants.

Case in point, in Part 3 of this series, I will be exploring the existence of the previously mentioned “f*ckboy”. At nausea. I will explain my definition of what they are, how they come to be, and how they have directly impacted our approaches to relationships. But I will also give equal character count to his female counterpart, the “thot”. These two perpetrators (in all their forms) are now playing a much greater role in how men and women view each other nowadays. And both are equally destructive in their effect on modern love. Therefore any exploration into the mystery of love must include a discussion on both contributors to its dark side. Equally.

So, GT… what is this REALLY about?

It’s about finding love.

Not literally. Obviously, not for me personally…

I mean, I’m living my best life. I mean, I’m good… Really (sniff).

Being single (sniff, sniff) is the bes……

(Stop recording)….

Honestly, I hope that by dissecting the various aspects of all of the things that I think make up relationships, and ultimately love or lack thereof, I (we) will somehow be able to find out what Love is, and more importantly what it is not.

Hopefully by approaching it this way I (we) will be a step closer to uncovering the real mystery of love, and can then (if we choose) adjust accordingly.

Again… Fingers crossed. We shall see…



The Summa All Parts

“Love ~ Myths & Bustas” (Blog Series)

  • Part I: “WTF” ~ Plutos, Pizzas & Bae
  • Part II: “His Story of Man, Kinda”
  • Part III: “Perpetrators”
  • Part IV: “Love, Lust, Lost”

Next post….

Part I: “WTF” ~ Plutos, Pizzas & Bae


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